What is your mission?

To make the world a better place by equipping workplaces with practical, experiential psychological health and safety coaching tools that naturally flow into people's lives and homes.

We believe that we will help people develop the practical coaching skills and tools they need to create fulfilling relationships, workplaces, and lives.

Ultimately, our mission is to help people transform the problems and stresses they're experiencing into peace, freedom, happiness and the practical realization of their own highest potential in life.

What is your vision?

To create a world where people feel safe enough to stop "playing it safe."

In families, teams and organizations that don't feel safe, people often stop trying to be the best they can be.

Conversely, when people feel safe to be who they are, say what they want to and step outside of the norm without risking rejection, ridicule or negative judgement, their performance increases exponentially.

We envision a world where people are equipped with what they need to be their very best one day at a time, no matter what is happening circumstantially.

We envision lives, families and workplaces where people laugh, love and live out the legacy they're here to share with the world before they leave it.

What do you value?

Individual Responsibility First:

Virginia Satir coined the phrase: "Peace within, peace between and peace among." To describe what she saw happen in systems where transformation started within the individuals she worked with.

We believe that personal responsibility and leadership for creating psychologically safe and healthy relationships starts with each individual being willing to do their work inside.

Lasting changes only ever happen when someone is willing to start with themselves. Then it flows out to include the people around them, the communities they belong to and the systems they contribute to. 

What We Experience is the Litmus Test:

What we experience is what we know. Learning doesn't happen until we do something. You don't know how to ride a bike until you ride the bike.

Four Essential Values: Integrity, Congruence, Compassion and Grace:

The practice of integrity, congruence, compassion and grace:

  • Integrity is doing what we say we're going to and when we don't owning and correcting that reality
  • Congruence is being true to yourself and living from that resonance
  • Compassion is seeing the beyond the worst in ourselves and others 
  • Grace is remembering that we're all doing the best we can at any given moment and that we all need kindness and unconditional love 

Practical Application and Measurable Results:

All our work must come from a clearly defined need, problem or challenge that's being experienced OR the desire to create an environment from the outset that avoids pitfalls we've already encountered. 

Then we can capture the emerging practical data discovered and use it to set and iterate the direction we're taking.